Unfortunately, though, the workmanlike application of those sound engineering principles isn’t always thrilling — until the software is completed on time and works without surprise. — Jon Bentley
Standing on date Aug 1st 2016, we talk about TTI optimization. Keep in mind that we have lots of methods can do. TTI means time to interact, first mentioned by Facebook when they guys do optimization of HomePage.
At that time, they defined the most important area as marked in red-line, and the time between clicking the link button from previous webpage and user can interact with the key area content on Facebook’s homapage named TTI.
We have mainly two types of performance issues, when loading resources and when code running on client. Also we have mainly two platform need to focus on, PC and mobile. As the mobile market occupation increase rapidly and data of PC still steadily, we will focus on mobile this time.
Many blog/articles mentioned the workaround, include icon-font, srcset, lazyLoad, load on demand, inlining images data, localStorage cache solution, compress and so on. All technologies we most used are based on the implementation of Browsers Manufactures.
If you do not have sense about what you’re going to do, do the data analysis first. I reprinted an article from Facebook’s Blog to demonstrate that a series of data can give more information if you rethink it from multi-aspects. And what is the key point impacts your website’s TTI can be different, for example:
If you’re willing from another aspect, you can notice what Googlers have done on Loading and Runtime. To reduce the loading time (connection time) they implement and apply the QUIC protocol, HTTP2, and introduced script streaming.
To improve the runtime performance, they use a new optimize compiler named TurboFan in v8 engine.
Before digging into the technology, we notice all things they did can not only bring benefit to Google, also for any other companies and organizations. So, Optimization is not a single task of one company, it relates to the whole social of Internet and Computer Sciense, further for whole human beings. If possible, top-level developers should join them to improve.
Back to your own project, I take the Baidu.Inc Home page for example, it’s not a real improvement, but an imagination. You can also apply ajaxpipe(quickling) to improve TTI for the link button click events, here we just talk about real first view from another website to your webpage.
I wrote some scripts to get the request(without cookie) result to analyze. On the mobile side, embed javascript, css and html into localStorage is a good idea, reduce request size and use cookies to control the versioning resources. Without cookies can get the first view result with no-cache.
As I see, all javascript code in the page is about 345.706kb, and 112.759kb after gzip. The whole page is about 165kb after gzip, which means js code occupies 68.34%.
"jsTotalByteSize": "345.706kb",
"cssTotalByteSize": "64.058kb",
"scripts": [
"byteSize": 1269,
"gzip": 634,
"content": "(function(){window._uid='';var B = window.B || {};B.comm = B.comm || {};B.comm.isAndroid = 0;B.comm.isShwoCallBaiduApp = 0;B.comm.lsConf={lsSuportKey:'lssp',lsVersionKey:'lsv',lsPrefix:'wise_se_'};win"
"byteSize": 7001,
"gzip": 2629,
"content": "!function(t){function n(){return e[i]=e[i]||t.apply(this,arguments),e[i]}window.B=window.B||{};var e=B.search=B.search||{},i=\"eventManager\";n.apply(this,[])}(function(){function t(t,n){try{t.apply(thi"
"byteSize": 118,
"gzip": 114,
"content": "!function(){document.addEventListener(\"touchstart\",function(){B=B||{},B.comm=B.comm||{},B.comm.enableTotop=!1},!1)}();"
"byteSize": 1938,
"gzip": 946,
"content": "window.B=window.B||{},function(t){var a=function(){function a(t,a){m=\"virtual\",b.routeStatus={action:\"push\",type:\"virtual\"};var e=t;if(e)if(\"base\"==t){for(var r in y)l.remove(y[r]);l.set(t,a)}else l.s"
"byteSize": 3217,
"gzip": 1410,
"content": "window.B=window.B||{},function(t){function a(){function a(){var t=location.href.match(/#(.*)$/),a=t?t[0]:\"\";return 0===a.indexOf(\"#%7C\")&&(a=a.replace(/%7C/,\"|\")),a||\"\"}function e(t){t&&t.last&&\"base\""
"byteSize": 3377,
"gzip": 1437,
"content": "A.merge(function(){if (document.querySelector(\"[srcid='91'][order='1']\")){A._setContainer(document.querySelector(\"[srcid='91'][order='1']\"),true);}else{A._setContainer(document.querySelector(\"[srcid='"
"byteSize": 5542,
"gzip": 2004,
"content": "A.merge(function(){if (document.querySelector(\"[srcid='we_image'][order='2']\")){A._setContainer(document.querySelector(\"[srcid='we_image'][order='2']\"),true);}else{A._setContainer(document.querySelect"
"styles": [
"byteSize": 20,
"gzip": 40,
"content": "#page{display:none;}"
"byteSize": 29663,
"gzip": 7454,
"content": "@font-face{font-family:sicons;src:url(//m.baidu.com/static/search/iconfont/search_iconfont_128e950d.eot);src:url(//m.baidu.com/static/search/iconfont/search_iconfont_128e950d.eot#iefix) format('embedd"
"byteSize": 62,
"gzip": 77,
"content": "#page-hd {visibility: visible;}.result-loading {display:none;}"
"byteSize": 1657,
"gzip": 555,
"content": ".wa-bk-polysemy-hide {display: none;}.wa-bk-polysemy-greeting {height: 38px;border: solid 1px #ddd;border-bottom-width: 0;overflow: hidden;-webkit-user-select: none;user-select: none;}.wa-bk-polysemy-"
"byteSize": 1135,
"gzip": 438,
"content": ".wa-we-image-border .wa-we-image-box{overflow:hidden;}.wa-we-image-border .wa-we-image-abstract{line-height:21px;padding: 6px 10px;}.wa-we-image-border .wa-we-image-imgs{/*width:100%;*//*display:inlin"
"images": [],
"afterGzip": "112.759kb"
Have no data on exactly TTI time, just from size, we can make an A/B test to compare the result if you launch ggc advanced mode for js code compressing.
Of course, introduce new tools in the workflow is not an easy topic, and it may change the code have written by developers, gcc’s extern.js and goog.exportSymbol mechanism can provide a useful way to not break the relation between code in first view and other libraries, but it may need more testing before publishing. But how could we do a better job if we lost our imagination. All things depend on developers. AND, you can even fork the tools and make your own if you dive into it and rewrite some compiler code, I think it can give a bigger promotion.
Finally we encounter some other problems in PS Team, the whole team is heavily depending on smarty solution. It means some JavaScript code like
var log = {\%requestData.log|escape:none\%};
will be difficult to compressed even pass through the AST building process, we can only retrieve all code inlined like this through smarty functions and remove white-space and newline charactors.
Again, we can move the smarty code to a string like:
var log = '{\%requestData.log|escape:none\%}';
It will be parsed normally by the compress tools, but we have other issues like foreach
usage and other smarty built-in funcitons.
Needn’t be depressed, we also have many other method to do the optimization, maybe tightly work with ServerSide Team follow best practise and depend on new features like ServiceWorker and so on.
To be continued…